Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My 2nd Pizza.. ^_*

I used to think..why bother make our own pizza if we can get someone delivery it to us..hehe
But..since i moved here,where there no Pizza delivery, I started to think..would it be nice if we can eat pizza without  drive for 45 menit to the city with my kids juz only for pizza.. haizz..U have no idea how difficult to go out with 3 little monster... :P

I Made my My 1st Pizza,which turn out disaster..wkwkwk. Well i believe in practise makes perfect.so yesterday i made my 2nd pizza and turned out so yummy,not perfect yet but atleast much more better than my 1st one.. :D

At last ... i can make my own pizza,which is taste better, made to suit our taste cos we can put any topping we like and as much as we want..
Me & hubby like thin crust pizza with a lot of  topping on it while my kids like thick crust pizza with sausage n chicken ang prawn  for the topping, and of couse with a lot of cheese. Normally if we eat pizza outside my kids won't eat the topping cos the don't like the vegie.. ;(

The recipe I saw from  Ricke's Blog,Ricke is my Fb's friends who good at baking and cooking and willing to share her knowledge to beginner juz like me.. Thanks Sis Ricke for the all the recipe you share with us .. ;)

Bahan Bahan Roti nya :
7 gram ragi instan (sekitar 2 sdt)
200 ml air hangat
1 sdt gula pasir
250 gram tepung terigu protein tinggi / bread flour
100 gram tepung terigu protein sedang/ all purpose flour 
2 sdm minyak zaitun
1/4 sdt garam

Bahan Topping nya:
Ready make saus pizza
Smoked ayam secukupnya
Sosis secukupnya
Paprika di potong kecil2 secukupnya
Jamur kancing secukupnya
Nanas secukup nya
Keju Mozarella secukupnya

Cara Membuatnya:
 1. Larutkan ragi instan dan gula pasir dalam air hangat. Biarkan 10 menit sampai berbusa ( itu tandanya  ragi bekerja dan masih dalam keadaan bagus).
2. Taruh tepung terigu dan garam dalam wadah, aduk rata dan buat lubang di tengahnya, masukkan larutan ragi instan pada lubang, aduk rata.
3.Masukkan minyak zaitun. Uleni  sampai kalis dan elastis (adonan tidak lengket di tangan, mengkilap, halus dan tidak mudah sobek jika di tarik tipis).
4. Bulatkan adonan nya masukkan ke dalam wadah yang telah di oles minyak/butter ,oles nya tips2 aja.lalu tutup dan biarkan mengembang sampe 2 kali lipat kurleb 1 jam.
5. Kalo sudah mengembang , kempeskan  adonan nya lalu ulenin lagi sebentar.
6. Ambil adonan nya sesuai yg di butuhkan, ratakan di Loyang yg sudah di olesi pake minyak, tebal nya adonan sesuai selera.
7. Tusuk2 adonan nya dgn garpu lalu kasih taburan keju,oleskan saos nya, tata topping nya dan taburi dgn mozzarella parut , lalu panggang di suhu 200’C selama kurleb 18- 20 menit
8. Keluarkan dari oven dan potong potong , pizza panas siap u/ di nikmati..

Even though making our own pizza takes time (to make the dough) but it still worth it. It's fun activities to spend time with the kids,on top of that we can enjoy pizza anytime and a lof of cheaper... hehe

It's officially now .. We are pizza lovers.. ^_*

# Posted on my fb on 12 Oct 2010

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